Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Healthy Lifestyle and Health

Healthy Lifestyle and Health

Healthy lifestyle is important in family health. To become healthy only calls for making little changes in your life. it's never too late to change your habits, and by establishing a healthy lifestyle now, you'll continue to reap the rewards in the future. The most common component of healthy lifestyle is Diet & Exercise. Here i will tell you about healthy eating & in next part will tell about exercise.

Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible– all of which can be achieved by learning some nutrition basics and using them in a way that works for you.

 The Healthy Eating cycle

Natural  hunger is followed by the anticipation of the next meal. For “normal” eaters, this is a period of excitement when they think about what foods they crave. When they EAT, it is with pleasure and enjoyment, leading to FULLNESS and feelings of satisfaction and nourishment. Instead of the turmoil of the bulimic, their physical and emotional hungers are fulfilled, and they feel energized and ready to get on with their lives until they feel hungry again.
Keep in mind that your body needs a combination of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, water, and minerals. If you have been purging or restricting for any period of time, both your body and your brain are probably starving for nutrients. You might not be able to think as clearly, respond as positively, or make as good decisions as you would if you were eating healthy food and keeping it down. This is why you must satisfy physical hungers by eating regular meals and snacks so you will be better able to incorporate the insights of recovery into everyday life.

The Healthy Eating Wheel

The healthy eating wheel is an instrument  which addresses the questions that any one needs to make for learning how to eat well, healthy and enjoy.

It is said that when you make the right questions, you get the best answers. The wheel makes 9 healthy eating questions about what a healthy diet must have, when you answer them, you get the tips for learning about better eating.

Use a Healthy Eating Plate and Healthy Eating Pyramid that are based on the latest and best science.
The Healthy Eating Pyramid

The Healthy Eating Pyramid is a simple, trustworthy guide to choosing a healthy diet. Its foundation is daily exercise and weight control, since these two related elements strongly influence your chances of staying healthy. The Healthy Eating Pyramid builds from there, showing that you should eat more foods from the bottom part of the pyramid (vegetables, whole grains) and less from the top (red meat, refined grains, potatoes, sugary drinks, and salt).

New Healthy Eating Plate

When it’s time for dinner, most of us eat off of a plate. So think of the new Healthy Eating Plate as blueprint for a typical meal: Fill half your plate with produce—colorful vegetables, the more varied the better, and fruits. (Remember, potatoes and French fries don't count as vegetables!) Save a quarter of your plate for whole grains. A healthy source of protein, such as fish, poultry, beans, or nuts, can make up the rest. The glass bottle is a reminder to use healthy oils, like olive and canola, in cooking, on salad, and at the table. Complete your meal with a cup of water, or if you like, tea or coffee  with little or no sugar (not the milk or other dairy products that the USDA’s My Plate recommends; limit milk/dairy products to one to two servings per day). And that figure scampering across the bottom of the placemat? It’s your reminder that staying active is half of the secret to weight control. The other half is eating a healthy diet with modest portions that meet your calorie needs—so be sure you choose a plate that is not too large.
Healthy eating begins with learning how to “eat smart”—it’s not just what you eat, but how you eat. Your food choices can reduce your risk of illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, as well as defend against depression. Additionally, learning the habits of healthy eating can boost your energy, sharpen your memory and stabilize your mood. You can expand your range of healthy food choices and learn how to plan ahead to create and maintain a satisfying, healthy diet.


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